Monday, November 8, 2010


# 2-North America,

# 3-North Western

# 4-Equator

# 5-Mexico

# 6-Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama

# 7-I would like to visit this country because I heard it was a nice and beautiful place. Also because I heard that their food is super delisious. I would like to go to Mexico
because I seen pictures of places that are in Mexico for example Michoacan,it's such a beautiful place and also thats were my mom was born so that would be nice to go and see how it is over there. Plus that would be my first time traveling so it would be a good experience.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

my paragraph

My family and I celebrate the new year's once a year. The way that me n my family celebrate new year's is by making tamales. We also reunite the family and we drink, and listen to music.We chill outside and wait for the fireworks to come out and give everyone a hug after twelve o clock. My wish for this year is to graduate high school and start going to college after that. this is ma wish for this year is because with me being a high school graduate will give me a way better job. That way later on in the feature i can give ma babies a better life and a better feature also.

Monday, August 30, 2010

One of my goals is to finish my two credits that I have to finish. The way that I'm going to achieve that is by asking dawn for a book to work on at home. I'm going to make sure I finish my two credits before the next report card. The way I'm going to achieve that goal is by working on my goal instead of texting all day long. Another goal that i want to achieve is

Friday, August 20, 2010

can aminals predict disasters?

I believe that animals can predict disasters. Some reasearchers believe that animals can predict disasters.For example a geologist has been predicting earthquakes for 31 years.The way he does that is by looking at the newspapers and pet ads.Thats how he keeps predicting earthquakes,thats the way he predicted the 1989 San Fransisco earthquake.A day before the earthquake he contacted the news to tell people to be aware of the earthquake tha was going to happend.

Their is also a japanese geologist who believes that the ground gives off lots of electronic energy.In which the animals feel the change of electromagnetic fields.He did experiments with sea animals like:goldfishes,catfishes,turtles,and other reptiles.The one reptile that can predict earthquakes is the catfish.

Another experiment that they did was with the elephants.They wanted to see if elephants have reactions with the vibrations.The way that they did that was by using a device barried under the ground that ceated vibration.The way the react is different then other animals, they put their truncks in the ground laying flat and they stay still.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hi my name is Gicela and i have three kids.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Edith is a woman that survived the Holacaust. I really admier her for being such a strong person that never gave up that no matter what she went trough she still did what she had to do to survive. If i was in her place I probably would've given up and I would of just killed my self. It takes a lot of faith and courage to keep moving on with your life having to see and go trough tough so much. One of the things that I can kind of relate to her but in my own experiences like when she talked about her being with her aunt all the time and that she was the only person she can talk to and feel safe with ,I feel like that with a best friend of mine like she is always there for me when I need someone to talk to or some one to spend time with . If someone would take someone real close to me just like it happend to her I dont know what i would have done.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

More stories to tell

My favorite character in the story was Ms.Moore because her trying to teach the kids a lesson was very nice of her. That lets everyone know that she doesn't only thinks about her self and that she does care about others.

I think that her lesson was trying to tell us that be grateful for what u got ,and that education can get u somewhere else better in life.

I would recommend this book to someone because it really convinces one to stay in school and that way later on in life you can have a good job and make good money.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010